Mission to Morocco

Mission to Morocco

The first mission of the AEWEN project, to be carried out in Casablanca (Morocco), is only a short time away. If you are interested in knowing the opportunities that this country offers in the water and energy sectors, this is your chance! The mission will take place from 12th to 14th December 2022.

Are you joining us on this mission? You can register here until 23rd September 2022. Places are limited to 15 companies, don’t miss the opportunity!

9 cooperation agreements signed with African partners

9 cooperation agreements signed with African partners

The AEWEN partnership has signed cooperation agreements with 9 partners in Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia in order to build and promote the African European network.

Tunisia in order to build and promote the African European network.

From the very beginning, the consortium established contacts with different organisations in three African countries. In January 2022, a virtual meeting was organised for each country (see article on the ECCP) in order to get to know each other and pave the way towards a future collaboration.

So far, the consortium can count on the support of nine local partners:

  • In Morocco – AMEE (Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency) and FENELEC (Federation of electricity, electronics and renewable energy)
  • In Senegal – CISAO (Italian-Senegalese and West African Chamber of Commerce), COPERES (Business Council of Renewable Energies of Senegal), PNES (Senegalese national water partnership) and UGB (Gaston Berger University)
  • In Tunisia – CERTE (Water Researches and Technologies Center), Cluster Monastir-El-Fejja MFCPOLE and Tunisian Cluster for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (TuniCREE)

They share the same objectives of building a sustainable network, developing relations between Africa and Europe, supporting solutions related to water and renewable energy, and increasing mutual knowledge and skill sharing. To this end, several cooperation areas have been identified:

  • Building the network by identifying companies and other organisations interested in international cooperation in the water and energy sectors
  • Co-organising or participating in events such as webinars and trade missions
  • Putting companies in touch with each other
  • Relaying information to network members and to a wider audience

The collaboration already bore fruits. 45 Moroccan, Senegalese and Tunisian companies and other organisations joined the AEWEN network. In addition, the Moroccan partners presented the water and energy sectors during a webinar on opportunities in Morocco.

Stay tuned to learn about the next events and opportunities!

Water and Energy Opportunities in Morocco

Water and Energy Opportunities in Morocco

On 6th June 2022, the AEWEN consortium held a webinar for African and European companies interested in internationalization specifically in Morocco. More than 30 participants attended the webinar.

The first part of the webinar was dedicated to the economy, culture and commercial practices in Morocco and presented by  Faiza Hachkar from CFCIM. Takis Kakayannis from AWEX then presented political and diplomatic aspects as well as background information on relations between Europe and Morocco.

The second part of the webinar focused on the challenges and opportunities in the water sector in Morocco. Mokhtar Jaait from ONEE (water branch) presented their activity and relevant aspects from the water sector in Morocco.

In the last part of the webinar, the participants had the opportunity to learn about the challenges and opportunities in the energy sector with the participation of Amine Ahmarras from AMEE presenting the context, investment opportunities and financial mechanisms. Khalid Semmaoui from Fenelec/Amisole presented from a business perspective the evolution of the renewable energy sector in Morocco, the existing offer and the regulatory perspective.

To conclude the webinar, information on the upcoming mission to Morocco was presented.

Stay tuned for new dates!

If you are not yet following us on social networks, you can visit us at:

Website: aewenproject.eu

LinkedIn: @AEWEN

Twitter: @AewenProject

Webinar Water & Energy Opportunities: Morocco

Webinar Water & Energy Opportunities: Morocco

The program will be as follows, (presentations will be in french, time below is CET):

11h00 (CET) Économie, culture et pratiques commerciales au Maroc

  •  Introduction à l’économie, à la culture et aux pratiques commerciales du pays (Faiza Hachkar – CFCIM)
  • Aspects politiques et diplomatiques et informations de contexte des relations entre l’Europe et le Maroc (Takis Kakayannis –AWEX)

11h30 (CET) Défis et opportunités dans le secteur de l’eau

  • Secteur de l’Eau au Maroc  et Activité de l’ONEE-Branche Eau (Mokhtar Jaait – ONEE Branche eau)
  • Affaires, projets commerciaux et possibilités de collaboration (Hassan Bourasse AMEPA) – TBC

12h00 (CET) Défis et opportunités dans le secteur de l’énergie

  • Opportunités d’investissement dans le domaine de l’énergie, contexte et mécanismes financiers (Amine Ahmarras – AMEE)
  • Évolution du secteur des énergies renouvelables au Maroc. Offre existante et perspective réglementaire du point de vue des entreprises (Khalid Semmaoui – Fenelec/Amisole)

12H30 (CET) Informations sur la prochaine mission au Maroc

Call for proposals is now open!

Call for proposals is now open!

Within the framework of the AEWEN, a project co-financed by the European Union under the COSME – Clusters go international programme, a three-day trade mission to Morocco is being organised to find partners, encourage face-to-face interactions between European and Moroccan companies and foster the development of business and research partnerships.

The AEWEN consortium is looking for a subcontractor to organise the mission to Morocco, which will include various activities: a welcome reception, information sessions with focus on energy and water, presentations by key stakeholders, networking sessions (B2B) and visits to relevant sites.

Participation in tendering procedures is open under equal conditions to all natural and legal persons. Economic actors may create a consortium to answer to the present call. Partners supporting the project are allowed to submit a proposal.

Applications will be selected according to common and transparent criteria. They will be reviewed by the AEWEN consortium. The contract will be awarded to the proposal offering best value for money.

The application will be sent in PDF format in French or English.

The call is open until 30th of June 2022

If you are interested and wish to receive the detailed call for proposal, please send an email to: Catherine Delahaye cdelahaye@clustertweed.be with cc to aewenproject@gmail.com



IFAT 2022 has come to an end, and after 4 years, once again it has reaffirmed its prestige as the world’s leading trade fair for water, wastewater, waste and raw materials management.

These 5 days in Munich have been very productive for the AEWEN’s team. The project was presented twice, on Monday at the German Water Partnership pavilion and on Wednesday at the InnovationStage, where the project framework, consortium and main objectives were explained.

During the fair, we were able to meet in person with some of the SMEs that are members of the AEWEN network and that were participating in IFAT, such as: Ecomacchine, IRIS, Paneco Ambiente, Well Pumps S.A., BLUEPHAGE., KEIKEN Engineering and Createch360 – Intelligent Control Solutions , and also, we have been able to explain the project to European SMEs that could be interested in the benefits that AEWEN can bring them.

Moreover, we have consolidated our future partnership with the European project euWater4i-SD, a project with which we share many synergies, and a clear path for a future collaboration. In the coming months, the AEWEN project will continue to participate in trade fairs and events to reach wide audience.

Presentation of the AEWEN project and best practices in Africa

Presentation of the AEWEN project and best practices in Africa

On 7 April 2022, the AEWEN consortium held a webinar for European SMEs interested in internationalisation in North and West Africa. More than 50 participants attended the webinar.

The first part of the webinar was dedicated to the presentation of the AEWEN project (Africa Europe Water & Energy Network), during which the objectives of the project, the priority countries, the main activities that will be carried out and the catalogue were explained in detail.  AEWEN is a network open to European and African companies interested in developing water and green energy solutions. Companies interested in being part of the AEWEN network can still join by filling in this form. They will then be contacted by the AEWEN team.

The second part of the webinar, focused on learning about how to succeed in Africa. Various approaches were shared during a round table discussion held with four European SMEs: ABN Engineering and Consulting, HydroScan Group, IRIDRA Srl and Sasso Srl.

Speakers answered questions about their expectations before exporting, the main challenges they faced and the solutions they applied to achieve a positive result. They also shared their strategies and experiences in the Tunisian, Moroccan and Senegalese markets. 

In the framework of the AEWEN project, a series of webinar will be offered to provide tools and answer questions that European companies may have when internationalising in these three countries. In addition, missions to the countries will be organised. Stay tuned for new dates!

Please note that the videos are available for replay on YouTube.

If you are not yet following us on social networks, you can visit us at:

LinkedIin: @AEWEN

Twitter: @AewenProject

AEWEN at the World Water Forum in Dakar

AEWEN at the World Water Forum in Dakar

On the 9th World Water Forum in Dakar, Tenerrdis energy cluster (France) and Cluster TWEED (Belgium) presented the European project AEWEN, Africa Europe Water & Energy Network, during a conference entitled “North-South cooperation for water and energy projects”. 

Organised for the first time in sub-Saharan Africa, this forum aimed to provide answers and concrete actions for the integrated management of water and sanitation. Governments and public bodies, NGOs, universities, civil society organisations and the private sector gathered to discuss 4 priority concerns: water security and sanitation, cooperation, water for rural development, tools and resources.

Water-Energy nexus

If water was at the core of the discussion, energy was also on the agenda. These two resources go hand in hand, whether in the use of water for energy production or use of energy in the pumping, sanitation and distribution of water. They are also essential in many applicative markets, such as in the health sector, the agriculture or the textile industry, among others.

Cooperating to meet the challenges

In order to face the challenges related to water and energy, cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder cooperation is crucial. The AEWEN project is working towards this goal by creating a network of companies, businesses and innovation networks, research and innovation centres and economic development organisations in Africa and Europe. By bringing together various stakeholders, organising missions and B2B meetings, the project aims to foster the emergence of innovative and concrete solutions to meet water and energy demand and thus support the Sustainable Development Goals.

Conclusion of three cooperation agreements in Dakar

The AEWEN network is currently developing in three African countries: Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia. Relationships have been established between the consortium members and local partners in these three countries.

While in Dakar, the cluster Tenerrdis met several local partners: Chambre de Commerce Italo-Sénégalaise et Afrique de l’Ouest (CISAO, chamber of commerce), Conseil Patronal des Energies Renouvelables du Sénégal (COPERES, network organisation) and Partenariat National de l’Eau du Sénégal (PNES, network organisation). The exchanges led to the signature of three cooperation agreements which will allow to establish strong links between Europe and Senegal and to develop joint activities.

Cluster TWEED presenting AEWEN at the World Water Forum in Dakar
Signature of cooperation agreement between Tenerrdis and CISAO   
Signature of cooperation agreement between Tenerrdis and Coperes
Signature of cooperation agreement between Tenerrdis and PNES
TWEED Cluster and Tenerrdis representing AEWEN at World Water Forum in Dakar